Danny Ignacio - A Vignette of Special Memories -
In the field of photography, a number of talented father-and-son tandems can also be found. One duo that easily stands out is Danny Ignacio and son Bogs, both recent winners of “Photographer of the Year” tag given out by the Wedding and Portrait Photographers of the Philippines (WPPP). So recent and worth noticing that they won the title consecutively: in 2008 for Danny and last year for Bogs.

“I saw it coming,” said Danny of his son’s surprise win a year after he won the award, noting he felt his son had a chance to win it all after perennially placing high in the monthly contests of the prestigious wedding photographers’ club.
Danny’s eye is so sharp that he must have seen their back-to-back victories even before anyone got a picture of both of them savoring a rare feat. Danny’s son, to add color to what had been accomplished, is the youngest WPPP member to have received the award.
As everybody agrees, Bogs’ triumph is a reflection of how well he was nurtured as a lensman. Some kids are lucky to have talented dads from whom they can pattern their future. Bogs, a multimedia arts student from the College of St. Benilde, is not an exception. He is another case of the child inheriting his father’s talent and passion for something creative.
A holder of two engineering degrees called civil and sanitary, Danny was not the typical born-with-a-camera person. He was in a different career path serving as the project evaluation officer of a national government company in the late ‘80s. In what was then an instant major decision, he suddenly shifted gears and went to photography. Thanks to an intense interest in capturing images.

A man of few words and would rather talk through his pictures, Danny uttered, “Photography for me is a passion, much more a living.”
Danny specializes in wedding that for many years now, he has been freezing unforgettable moments and poses of people who decide spending the rest of their lives together. His shots combine the romantic touch of human love and the beautiful world outside that complements it.
Danny’s rise in the field was timely as the community needed at that time something like WPPP – to bring wedding photographers together and promote and foster their goals and programs. He ended up becoming a founding member of the group. He was so eligible that even the international community hailed his portfolio, qualifying him to become a member of WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) in the U.S.

Danny is a Pinoy pride who earns the distinction (to date) of being the only Filipino photographer accredited as full member of the highly regarded Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP).
At present, he is a resident lensman for some of the country’s first-class party venues, namely, Diamond Hotel, One Esplanade, Ilustrado Gardens, City Garden Hotel, Ibarra’s Garden, Plaza Ibarra, and Patio Ibarra.
That’s the extent of how well-reputed Danny is, having earned the respect of people running high-end places. The credentials speak much and the photos always in salute of his track record.
Judged by international photographers, Danny took another back-to-back success by claiming WPPP’s “Photo of the Year” submissions in 2007 and 2008. When asked about his key to winning, he shares, “Don’t compete with others, just with yourself.”
His titles and winnings truly deserve someone as skilled as he is, especially with the realization that he did more than just producing good photos. He has practically revolutionized the industry by introducing the digital infrared to wedding photography.
Danny concludes with his mind turned on to photography, “It’s a continuous learning. Always put in your mind that your skill must be better today than yesterday.”